
Once upon a time I had a goal.

Once upon a time I had a goal. I actually had many goals & then I became a mother. My favorite & biggest & coolest goal before becoming a mother was to see a new country every single year. (At least 1 per year). I managed to go to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Mexico and the Bahamas all before I turned 18. When I unexpectedly got pregnant at 20.5 years old, I knew my goal was never to be achieved. So, I made my first compromise as a mother, I decided I would let each of those countries count for 1 year a piece, still not truly accepting the goal was unattainable. Once reality set it, I knew I was never even going to go to the bathroom alone again, let alone another country. That was a big fucking bummer. Becoming a mother was NEVER a goal of mine, in fact, the thought had not even crossed my mind, oops. I suppose that was part of how that happened. ANYWAY…..

I’m a glass half full kind of gal so instead of throwing my goal completely away and sulking for the remainder of my life, I revised the goal to something more realistic…. I would see a NEW state every year. This seemed more feasible & definitely had better chances of being accomplished. Prior to being an adult, at age 15, I once took a trip, driving to Chicago, IL. I had never previously left the state of Florida (Alabama doesn’t count considering I could throw a rock & hit it)….so I was going to count that in my pre-tally incase I had some dry years where I never went anywhere or saw anything.

Back to my point, once upon a time I had a goal and upon that time I had to revise it. Since I am holding a glass half full, I reminded myself that some people have never even left the place they were born. Never, like ever. Now if that isn’t a tragedy, I don’t know what is. I heard someone once say they had never seen an ocean. Wow. Now that is something that blew my mind. How could that be? I suppose that was no different from me not seeing real snow until the age of 19 but still…snow vs ocean….the two are not comparable.

So, with a pregnant belly and a revised plan, I was as set as I was ever going to be. Who could even imagine all the shit you have to give up to become a parent? I really had no idea, I mean, I thought I knew, but I didn’t really KNOW KNOW.

Back to my story….I have managed to achieve my revised goal and now, I have lived in Florida, Alabama, California & New Jersey and also worked in Philly. (Let me briefly add that I would gladly have lived without ever setting foot in the state of New Jersey if I could turn back time but I can’t, moving on) …..And I have traveled to Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, California, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Washington D.C. (not a state), Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, DELAWARE, Maryland, West Virginia, New York, Massachusetts & New Hampshire . I’d say I’m doing pretty damn good. So, even though you have to give up basically everything when you become a parent, you still have to hold on to something that is your own, you have to keep at least one of your dreams if not more. I held on to this tiny little dream of mine I had to see the world, even if I had to revise it to just one continent in the world….

On to the moral of my story….good things come to people who wait, hold half full glasses, get a good job, save a bunch of money and abandon their children for over a week because at age 27, I got to add TWO whole new countries to my long lost goal, France and the magical world of Ireland!

Yes! I went to Ireland at age 27 and with 3 small children, except I left them at home. But now that I have seen Ireland, I feel like I have seen enough of the world to last me a lifetime! And to boot, even if I hadn’t gone to the other countries or the many states, who knew I would be perfectly happy just being a mommy? If you would have told me that 20 years ago, I would have died laughing and thought you to be insane. So I don’t know if Ireland is the icing or the cake but I know that being a mommy, even though it is such a thankless job has been the greatest adventure of my life and wouldn’t trade it for any bit of travel in the world!

The End.


The mommy who works for free